Craig-529 On The Expat Multiverse And Yummy Breakfasts for Busy People In Japan!
Craig note- Are you the best you in universe? And, we offer up some fun breakfast pictures! (Enjoy!)
My affinity for science comes from an extraordinary science teacher I had in high school. The man is a legendary educator at my old school.
In fact, he is still teaching.
I read this idea that an infinite number of universes exist.
I’d like to meet that dude.
I shall take a pass on meeting that guy.
I clicked another article that says there are somewhere between 4–20 parallel universes. The math works best when limiting the number of potential universes. I believe the golden number was eleven.
I would like to believe I am the ‘best’ incarnation of ‘Craig’ in any universe. At least, I hope I am the hardest working. But, I don`t know.
Perhaps, one day all eleven versions of me will come together for some Craig Existence Convention. And; again, I muse if I will be disappointed to learn as ‘Craig’ I am not that special.
I often joke “I am Craig until someone else offers to take the job.”
Oddly, I have never received any takers.
Some of today’s post comes from a dream I had last night. Now, I should say; generally, I don’t remember any of my dreams. Even then; I recall only bits. But, my most recent dream is still vividly running through my mind.
I was riding in a car with my wife. There was a curve. She turned, and we continued smoothly towards our destination. But, I suddenly found myself walking around a large supermarket.
I jumped to a new point in my dream. But, it felt real. I got physically tired. Later, I felt hungry. I thought I was dreaming, and I said, “I’m sure I will wake up.”
And, the woman panicked and called over some supervisor-looking dude. A tall man walks over, and he scans me like a bag of discount potato chips. I am getting a little worried.
Of course, I didn’t believe him. He went on to show me long form after form indicating I died. The guy made a quick call on a PA system and a second woman ran to me.
She says, “I’ve got it.”
The woman deadpanned, “Guess which video you were in, sir?”
“The second?”
Everyone laughed. I did not think my death was particularly funny. But, before I got angry, the dream moved forward again. I learned my tenure as ‘Craig’ was up, and it was time for another ‘Craig’ to continue my existence.
It got me thinking about my existence. I remember in America thinking I was living life. I also recall feeling like I was trapped. After, I came to Japan I felt free as a bird. Unfortunately, these days I realize my freedom came with a hefty price tag.
Many of the other possibilities for my life are endangered and more than a few opportunities extinct as the dodo bird.
I don’t know.
Selfishly, I hope not.
Worse; I wonder if there are not ten other ‘Craigs’ out there in the multiverse screaming, “We could do it ( your lif e) better!” In the end, I hope my dream and the possibility there are better ‘Craigs’ is more make-believe than:
Grey, Grizzled, and Gaijin
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Originally published at on November 26, 2018.