Craig-701 On “Signs Of The Times” Honorable Mention 2020 Writers in Kyoto-Fifth Kyoto Writing Competition, And Kobe Beef In Japan!
Craig note- We feature our Honorable Mention winning piece from the 2020 Writers in Kyoto-Fifth Kyoto Writing Competition! It’s an international writing contest for “short-short,” (300 word limit).
(We aren’t going to lie. We are pumped.)
It’s a super, super, super highlight to a rather underwhelming 2020. Not bad for an unemployed expat in Japan! Plus, I got Kobe beef as a gift from some family. Awesome!
Shameless New Book Plug
Cover Photo- Aaron Paul
If you do have a good job lead for please check out this tweet:
I’m looking for a new job. I suppose in English teaching. Somewhere between Kobe and Himeji. I have experience from the munchkins to advance level adults.
If you know something off the radar, I’d appreciate a DM if not a RT would be sweet. People depend on me, you know…
- Craig Hoffman (@CraigHoffman11) January 23, 2020
Got a Question for the Grey, Grizzled, And Gaijin Mailbag? Send it to: @craighoffman11 on Twitter!
Popular Japan-based blogger and writing Grey, Grizzled, and Gaijin is out with his first play. A unique, character-driven prose dissecting the every day struggle to find life purpose, passion, and motivation.
A modern take on real issues between men and women that are as old as time with novel twists.
Popular Japan-based expat blogger, writer, and novelist Grey, Grizzled, and Gaijin is out with his first Christian-themed work.
A series of 21 mini lessons based on the Bible and quick philosophical takes from some of the best and brightest minds from history and the modern day.
The self-paced lessons are also accompanied by questions for discussion as well as light commentary from the prose of Grey, Grizzled, and Gaijin, one the most prolific expat bloggers and essayists in Japan today.
Popular and prolific Japan-based expat blogger, writer, and novelist Grey, Grizzled, and Gaijin is out with his second fiction short story. Another unique, character-driven work focusing on life purpose, meaning, and the state of the modern human condition.
Carl Crapper is a once long ago rich and handsome young man who now spends his days at the town’s street poop scooper. One day he prays to the goddess of good fortune. The goddess, Sapporo, appears in human form, and Carl is in love. She tells him to take the third thing that he touches and journey to a place called La Salle De Bains.
Carl’s bad luck continues as he finds himself soon bound to an injured little chicken, but the goddess reminds him, “Everything in life is a trade.” and soon Carl is off to find his true life purpose, destiny, and, perhaps, even love.
The first in a new series of light and thought-provoking allegorical tales of personal growth and adventure. This opening story is a perfect read for anyone with dreams of being more in life.
Grey, Grizzled, and Gaijin
We are happy to present our Honorable Mention award-winning short from the 2020 Writers in Kyoto-Fifth Kyoto Writing Competition.
Signs of the Times
“The tourists left us. The once well-stocked supermarket shelves are bare. And, worse, everyone is told to hide inside their homes, albeit most with toilet paper to spare. What shall we do?”
“We will endure, Keishi-chan. Move forward. There’s no point in standing still.”
“Move forward to what to where?”
“From a place of despair to one of hope. To tomorrow. Would not Kitaro, himself, be proud?”
“My dear mother, now is not the time for a Philosopher’s Walk. Not everyone seeks wisdom from Kyoto’s howling, winter winds. What of those who didn’t live?”
“‘Tis true, some journeys are at an end. Those taken from us will rise from a place of desperation to one of bliss.”
“And grandfather?”
“Yes, my father too. Fate, time, and circumstance doomed his life but not his soul. To be sure, death comes for us all. Perhaps, it’s a question of if not when, my boy, in these dark times.”
“No! After all, it’s just a little hard to breathe. We’ll recover. The internet says just wear a special mask, and that it’s no worse than the flu.”
“Everyone’s a doctor these days. My beloved son, the masks are long gone. And do you believe everything you see gone viral on that little computer screen of yours?”
“Yes. Especially in matters of health. I trust the news. There is really nothing for us to fear. For, at least, you and I, are still — “
Grey, Grizzled, and Gaijin
Grey, Grizzled, And Gaijin
Got a Question for the Grey, Grizzled, And Gaijin Mailbag? Send it to:@craighoffman11 on Twitter!
Originally published at on May 11, 2020.